75 years and she was still waiting. Her wait has been long, patient, at times suffocating, at times agonising and desperate. She wanted desperately to remove the shackles that tied her hands. But, how could she?? Her shackles were unique, unlike the others, she had seen. It was cursed with the invisibility charm.

She complained about the painful shackles which no one could see. The few who did see, ignored her completely. Even her own tribe, failed to understand her misery. Her tribe assumed and assured her, she was as free as one could be. And yet, she felt as free as a caged bird could be.

Over the time, she had learned to make peace with the bound freedom, that was graciously bestowed upon her and for which she was supposed to grateful throughout her life.

Many pitied her. Many sympathised. Many cunningly asked her, why she could not do it on her own?? She could, she definitely could. She was that rare diamond who could cut the glass, but never had the heart to break the glass with her hands. Yet she felt, she needed someone to acknowledge her fight. Few joined her. Few even succeeded in breaking free. But, not everyone was as unlucky as was she.

Repeat a lie often, and it becomes the truth. Everyone around repeatedly told her that she was free, and she started believing that she was indeed free. And the more the believed, the more the shackles faded. Until one day, it became invisible to her and the world around her.

Her hands ached as the shackles held them tightly. She cried in agony. But her voice remained unheard, her tears unseen, but her thoughts and aspirations, roamed around untamed.

Free to do anything she wanted, free to be anyone she wanted, free to live the life she wanted. But was she?? She was the educated as well as the illiterate, the working as well as the homemaker, the decision maker, the manager as well as the dependent, the subordinate, the inferior.

She wanted to let go off the invisible shackles. For centuries, she had been trying, and to that she added another glorious 75yrs. But, it seems the shackles wouldn’t let her free. So all she could do, is gather more and more courage, and hope in the next 75years she could defeat Patriarchy.